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Die Suche ergab 249 Treffer

Do 29. Jan 2015, 15:02
Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
Thema: Domiq und OpenHAB ?
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 2226

RE: Domiq und OpenHAB ?

I suspect there are many more LCN installations with Base than with OpenHAB. In Poland it's practically every single one since few years ago... :-)
Mi 28. Jan 2015, 14:44
Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
Thema: Domiq und OpenHAB ?
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 2226

RE: Domiq und OpenHAB ?

We have no plans to integrate with OpenHAB. If needed that could be done using connection to port 4224 from OpenHAB - we do expose all events from connected systems to external systems - and it actually is possible to use this bidirectionally with small Logic script that based on the received comman...
Mo 12. Jan 2015, 13:32
Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
Thema: Zugang mit LCN-PRO über Domiq schlecht
Antworten: 22
Zugriffe: 6555

RE: Zugang mit LCN-PRO über Domiq schlecht

Small update: both PCK connection issues as well as SONOS "capacity" will be improved in next software update, currently in beta testing.
Mo 5. Jan 2015, 10:36
Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
Thema: Türklingel über Sonos
Antworten: 16
Zugriffe: 5390

RE: Türklingel über Sonos

Hello, first one will set VAR.sonosGong to string "UAV.uri...", second will not do anything, third will set state variable "C.VAR..." to correct value. :-) Proper way is: set('VAR.sonosGong', get('UAV.uri.Schlafzimmer')) You could also use in Events: C.LOGIC=set('VAR.sonosGong', ...
Mi 1. Okt 2014, 07:15
Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
Thema: Android
Antworten: 106
Zugriffe: 29831

RE: Android

New version of the Beta application is now available: http://www.domiq.pl/data/AP/domiq-remote-0.3.3-dev.apk. Michal is now on a short vacation, so he will keep fixing things when he is back...
Fr 19. Sep 2014, 18:43
Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
Thema: Android
Antworten: 106
Zugriffe: 29831

RE: Android

We published version Beta 3 of the Remote for Android.
It is available here http://www.domiq.pl/data/AP/domiq-remote-0.3.0.apk.
Di 9. Sep 2014, 10:31
Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
Thema: Wochtag im Logic tab unterschiedlich zu den Timern
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 1560

RE: Wochtag im Logic tab unterschiedlich zu den Timern

Hello, if you want all the details, here is short tutorial about Lua built-in functions date and time: http://lua-users.org/wiki/OsLibraryTutorial Formatting of all "percent" expressions is done internally by strftime POSIX function, here is the manual page: http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlin...
Do 4. Sep 2014, 14:55
Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
Thema: Unterschiedliche Variablen ?
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 1916

RE: Unterschiedliche Variablen ?

Hi, set and get are synchronous calls, if you do set then following get will retrieve changed value. On the other hand command sends a message to STATE, which means that new value will be only visible in next script execution. Most of the objects created by use perform any set operations through the...
Mi 3. Sep 2014, 15:40
Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
Thema: Android
Antworten: 106
Zugriffe: 29831

RE: Android

On some routers it will not work, we are working to resolve it...
Di 2. Sep 2014, 22:16
Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
Thema: Android
Antworten: 106
Zugriffe: 29831

RE: Android

Here is the beta 2 of the Remote for Android http://www.domiq.pl/data/AP/domiq-remote-0.2.0.apk . You will need latest system to use it. There might be problems with connectivity using server, as we fine tune protocol details and firewall bypass. There is no temperature history and remote camera vie...

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